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Planning Board Minutes 04/16/2015
April16, 2015
Public Hearing

Members & Staff Present:        Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)       Chris Condon (Chair)
Janet McEwen (Member)   John Robertson (Ex-officio Alternate)   Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Bob Holmes (Alternate) 

Members Absent:     Michael Frosch    Mike Genest   Jesse Lazar   Elsa Voelcker   Steve MacDonald

Public attendance:  Mr. Crane

7:00PM  Public Hearing

At 7pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and introduced the Board Members.

Ms. Osgood read the Public Notice.  Notice was filed in the paper.

Mr. Crane from Eversource introduced himself and explained what they are planning on trimming on the scenic road and explained they would be working on 90 percent of the scenic roads in Antrim.

Mr. Crane explained the importance of the clearing these trees in order to protect the power lines.  

He explained there are 45 trees on the list that he provided.

List attached to minutes.

The trimming will begin this summer, if approved.

Ms. McEwen asked if the wood was left.  The wood is left unless the property owners specify otherwise.

Ms. McEwen suggested that Eversource work with the wood bank (Grapevine) in order for it to help the community.

Mr. Crane would like the flexibility to add more trees to be cut if need be.

Mr. Condon closed the Public Hearing at 7:15pm.

Motion:  Ms. McEwen moved to accept Eversource’s proposal as presented by Mr. Crane; Ms. Cahoon seconded.

Amendment made by Ms. McEwen to allow Eversource to cut additional trees as long as the property owners have been notified.

Roll Call Vote:

Condon, Yes-Cahoon, Yes-McEwen, Yes-Holmes, Yes-Robertson, Yes.

Business Meeting:

Shea Field lights-

Mr. Robertson stated that there had been some concern/questions as to if Zoning Ordinance applies to Shea Field.

He stated that NH law is immune from zoning- Title 44 Chapter 74-Mr. Robertson read the Title.

He stated that the Antrim Zoning Ordinance does not address lighting and it’s a government property.

RSA states it is appropriate for the Planning Board to hold a Public Hearing in order to make recommendations on the installation of the lights.

Mr. Robertson stated that this was also the recommendation of the town’s attorney and the Select Board.

Mr. Robertson stated that this gives the public an opportunity to have input and the Planning Board to make recommendations.

Mr. Holmes questioned if the property was town land.

Ms. Cahoon stated that the land had been donated and not leased.

Mr. Robertson stated that it was donated to the Town and is town property.

Mr. Robertson stated that the land has to be used for recreational or educational purposes.

Mr. Condon stated that the Board can have a Public Hearing but it would not be binding.

Mr. Robertson said yes, it would not be binding.

Mr. Holmes questioned the process and Mr. Robertson said that the Recreational Department would come to the Public Hearing and make a presentation and the Planning Board can make non-binding recommendations.

Ms. McEwen questioned if pictures were taken when the balloon test was done.

Mr. Robertson stated that they did take photographs.  

Motion:  Ms. McEwen moved to hold a Public Meeting in which the Parks and Recreation Commission would present the Shea Lighting Project.

Ms. Cahoon seconded.

Roll Call Vote:

Condon, Yes-Cahoon, Yes-McEwen, Yes-Holmes, Yes-Robertson, Yes.

Mr. Holmes made a motion that the Board prepare a list of discussion points that can be given to the Recreation Commission.

Ms. Cahoon seconded.

Roll Call Vote:

Condon, Yes-Cahoon, Yes-McEwen, Yes-Holmes, Yes-Robertson, Yes.

The Public Hearing will be held on May 21, 2015.

Approval of Meeting Minutes was deferred because of attendance.  

Discussion of concerns regarding pre-filed testimony was deferred because of attendance.

Other Business:

Antrim Earth Excavation & Reclamation Regulations.

The Board was informed that Zeke & Mack’s needed to report back to the Planning Board no later than June 20, 2015.

The Board was informed that SR Jones needed to report back to the Planning Board no later than August 29, 2015.

Mr. Condon requested that they be contacted and an appointment be set up with them at a regular meeting.

Mr. Holmes questioned if there were any updates on the ERZ.

Mr. Condon stated that he had spoken to Ms. Chauncey and this project has been put on hold because of the transition of staff.

Ms. McEwen moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm:  Ms. Cahoon seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood
Assistant to the Land Use Boards